
American Airlines Denies Down Syndrome

An American Airlines pilot denied first class boarding to a family with a child who has Down Syndrome claiming that the child was a security risk. However, the family denies that their son was causing a disturbance and says that he was calm.

They said that they fly all the time in coach and have never been denied seating before but this is the first time that they purchased first class tickets. It certainly seems that American Airlines doesn’t want to subject their first class passengers to someone with Down Syndrome.

CNN broadcast a small segment of video taken by the parents which shows that their son was sitting quietly and also shows a security person telling the parents that they are not allowed to use a video camera in a security area. The security person does not appear to be from TSA but looks like an American Airlines employee.

Take a look at the video and read the article at and leave a comment below about your opinion.

I would fire the American Airlines pilot and any supervisors he spoke with regarding the incident.


More Animal Cruelty

Here is an article about YouTube banning a video of unbelievable animal cruelty involving the Texas E6 Cattle Company employees. Although you can see the video in that article, I read what the video depicts and have not been able to get the strength to watch it.

I do want to bring more attention to the article. I have an Uzi and would love to go hunting for employees at the E6 Cattle Company, but I would only aim for their arms, legs and groin. I at least hope that enough bad publicity might put them out of business and encourage other cattle companies to better supervise their employees, especially the budding serial killers.


Will Founder Kill More Elephants? founder Bob Parsons was just interviewed on CNN and tried to explain that shooting an elephant was a benefit for the people in Africa who need to eat (The elephant had been trampling their crops).  He offered no apologies for killing the elephant and referring to his benevolent actions, he stated that he doesn’t see anyone traveling to Africa with him to help.

I certainly won’t be traveling with Bob Parsons to shoot elephants in Africa.  I love shooting and have several guns, but I don’t shoot animals and certainly not elephants which are probably more intelligent than him.

Bob Parsons blamed the whole incident on a small group of people who are very vocal in this country, I assume he means PETA.  When asked if he will go back to Africa, he stated that he will absolutely go back to do it again.

As the founder of, Bob Parsons can afford to donate the money necessary to provide the means to produce clean water and food for the villagers.  He is just using the villagers as an excuse to shoot an elephant so he can take a picture posing next to a dead elephant showing how courageous he was to engage in elephant in battle.

I have spent a few thousand dollars on domain names with but will never again.

CNN article:

WebProNews reported that the Bob Parsons video was mysteriously sanitized to look a little less horrible and to remove references to, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s an ass.

WebProNews also reported that NameCheap used the opportunity to raise over $20,000 for Save the Elephants and  Venovix launched a “NoDaddy” campaign with a similar goal, looking to raise money for the International Wildlife Foundation.  I’m happy to provide links to these two companies NameCheap and Venovix.